Strength exercises have become popular recently amongst runners and it can help reduce some running injuries and increase running economy. Most of you will have you favourite exercises that you do all year round, there is no one great exercise that fits all so everyone will do what they can manage and tolerate. Here are some of the favourite exercises I prescribe runners who come to me for advice:
- Single leg bridge – This exercise challenges the Glute muscles and Hamstrings
- Side lying leg raises – A good exercise to isolate the Glute medius muscle (Hip stabiliser) and can add a resistance band to make it harder
- Single leg calf raise – This is a simple way to increase strength in the calf muscles, from bodyweight to then adding some load
- Single leg squat – This will strengthen the quad muscles and challenge the hip stabilisers
Please remember if you have any injuries or concerns then please seek a medical health professional who can diagnose the injury and give appropriate treatment and advice.